
Got questions? We've got answers.

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What is SAKE?

SAKE is Sistem Administrasi Kewarganegaraan Elektronik, a new system introduced in 2020 to handle renunciation process.

What documents I need for SAKE?
  1. Birth Certificate or Akta Kelahiran
  2. Passport
  3. KTP or Kartu Tanda Penduduk
  4. KK or Kartu Keluarga ~ this document is optional. You could use it if you don’t have KTP.
  5. ROM or Marriage Certificate issued in SG or Indonesia
  6. ICA Letter (Final Approval or 2nd letter)

Follow this guide to legalize your documents.

I can’t complete my SAKE application within 2 months, what should I do?

You should send email to ICA (ICA_Citizenship_Unit@ica.gov.sg) to ask for time extensions.

Could I legalize my documents at KBRI Singapura embassy?

You could legalize the following documents at KBRI Singapura embassy:

  • ICA Final Approval letter translated to Bahasa Indonesia by a sworn translator
  • ROM certificate translated to Bahasa Indonesia by a sworn translator
  • Passport – ONLY if your passport is issued by KBRI. If your passport is issued in Indonesia, you should get them legalized at dukcapil.
Where do I legalized my documents?

As of April 2022, SAKE only accepts documents legalized by the Perwakilan Republic Indonesia (KBRI) or the institutions that issued the said document.

Refer to our guide to find out how to legalize your documents.

What should I enter for Surat Keterangan Naturalisasi on SAKE?

You can enter the application ID stated on the ICA letter. ID usually starts with "ROC-"

How do I make payment for SAKE in Singapore?

You could make payment at the BNI branch at Cecil Street. Only this branch could facilitate payment.

BNI Singapore Branch, Prudential Tower 30 Cecil St, Singapore 049712
+65 6225 7755

Remember to print out the Surat Perintah Bayar from the SAKE website for the bank to process.

There's people who successfully made payment via DBS Remit but I'm not too clear on the steps.

Do I need to translate both ICA letter?

No, you only need to translate the 2nd ICA letter where it states you're at the final stage of the process.

Do I need to legalize KTP?


If you don't have your KTP for whatever reason, you need to write a statement letter stating you don't have KTP and sign it on a Materai Rp. 10,000.

As of 2021, materai Rp. 6,000 is no longer valid.

You'll need to upload this statement letter on the SAKE website and send it along with the other documents to AHU.

My KTP expired and I can't go back to Indonesia to renew them, what could I do?

I received few emails from different people in a similar situation.

First, check if you have an e-KTP which is a blue KTP card. Even though It shows the expiry date on the card, e-KTP has no expiry so you could still legalize it.

Second, if your KTP isn't an e-KTP and it has expired, the notary won't be able to legalize your KTP.

Luckily from what was shared by one of our readers, you have another option.

One of our readers went through the same situation and shared what she did below.

You could legalize your KK and key in your KK number under the NIK field in SAKE.

In this way, when the officer cross-references the NIK against the legalized KK, it would match.

While she managed to received green status on her application, this situation might be different for you so always do your own research.

You could try to send an email to KEMENHUM at cs@ahu.go.id to ask for more clarity.

Do I need to send hardcopy documents to AHU?

Yes. Once you made the payment and upload the payment receipt on the SAKE website, you have 7 days to send the hardcopy documents to AHU.

What should I write on my DHL Waybill to AHU?

You could write the following:

Direktorat Jenderal Administrasi Hukum Umum
Kementerian Hukum Dan Hak Asasi Manusia RI
Gedung Direktorat Jenderal Administrasi Hukum Umum
Jln HR. Rasuna Said Kav. 6-7, Kuningan
+62 811-234-657

Can I contact SAKE via Whatsapp?

Yes, you can but there're lots of reports that people hardly get any reply via Whatsapp as the counterpart isn't very responsive.

The number is +62 813 8976 7477.

What happens when I received yellow symbol in SAKE?

Find out the reason why they gave you a yellow mark. If it states "Tidak Sesuai", you'll need to reattach and resend the documents again.

More info here.

How long it usually take to get your documents re-verified?

If you received a yellow mark and have resend your documents to AHU, it will take approximately a week to receive update via the SAKE website.

Do I need to translate my Singapore Registry of Marriage (ROM) certificate?

If you've already reported your marriage at the KBRI Singapura, you only need to legalize the "Laporan Perkawinan" document from the Indonesian government.

If you didn't report your marriage at the KBRI Singapura, you'll need to translate the ROM certificate and legalize it.

Find out more information on pencatatan pernihakan.

How long does it take to get green approval in SAKE?

It depends. My first green approval took about 1 week and the remaining approvals within 3-4 days

I have made payment but my application disappeared from SAKE. What should I do?

Don't panic. Sadly, it happened a lot.

As shared by one of our visitors, you could do the following steps if your application disappeared after you made payment.

  • Send an email to cs@ahu.go.id. They are very responsive and will reply to emails within 24 hours.
  • Make sure your email is helpful to them. Don't forget to attach all the relevant documents such as the payment receipt, application form, and courier receipt.
  • Always reply on the same email thread to expedite their escalation

They would usually respond that they'll escalate this matter and you could check in your SAKE account regularly

What’s next after my application is approved on SAKE?

Download the approval letter from the SAKE website and get it translated by a certified sworn translator.

Schedule an appointment at KBRI Singapura to surrender your passport. Get your AHU letter translated by Mr. Anwar

Collect the acknowledgment letter from the embassy that you've surrendered your passport and schedule your appointment with ICA.

Do I need to translate approval letter from AHU?

In my case, I emailed ICA and get confirmation that they accepted the renunciation approval letter as it is in Bahasa. You could email ICA to confirm.

What documents I need to bring to ICA on my appointment day?

The 2 most important documents to bring are:

  1. SAKE letter (Bahasa Indonesia and English versions)
  2. Original acknowledgment letter that you've surrendered your passport
How do I make appointment to surrender my passport?

To make an appointment, send an email to imigrasi@indonesianembassy.sg.

You'll receive an email that indicates your appointment date. Print the email and bring your original passport and approval letter from AHU.

How do I make appointment to legalize SAKE approval letter?

You don't need to legalize the SAKE approval letter from AHU. Just get it translated by Mr. Anwar is enough.

Can I go to KBRI Singapura embassy without an appointment?

No. There'll be someone outside the gate that will be checking for your appointment details. Those without appointments will be turned down.

I'm not married but it's mandatory to upload marriage certificate in SAKE, what should I do?

Try to upload a blank piece of paper in JPG format.

I selected Married status in SAKE but there's no field to enter marriage cert information, what should I do?

If you happened to face this issue, you'll need to inspect the element on your browser (right-click and choose inspect element). Find display: none; and change it to display: block; to make the section appear.

How could I extend my appointment date with ICA?

You can send email to ICA_Citizenship_Unit@ica.gov.sg

How do you get the ICA letter legalized?

To get the ICA letter legalized, first you’ll have to get it translated by Sworn Translator. The one recommended by community is Mr Anwar.

Next, you need to send the letter in both English and Bahasa Indonesia to Public Notary in Indonesia.

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